Now why is Joe Boulay the author of the book called “If That Car Could Talk “ writing about equipment with small gas engines? Well if any thing is going to test a fuel treatments effectiveness it would be a piece of machinery that sits around with old fuel in the tank. Now that winter is […]
Posts Tagged ‘fuel’
Joe Boulay : Puts Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment To The Test. “This Stuff Is Incredible”
Joe Boulay Say’s: Prevent Ethanol Issues With Star Tron Fuel Enzyme Treatment
I have been reading a lot lately about 10% Ethanol or also known as (E 10) and the negative effects it is having on fuel systems in most vehicles. Soon the issue may only get worse as 15 % Ethanol or (E 15) will be added to fuel, and some auto manufacturers are stating that it […]
Can A Dirty Air Filter Reduce Fuel Mileage And Cause Engine Damage ?
Well with the cold weather that comes with winter you can expect a drastic drop in fuel mileage in itself. If you have a dirty air filter you can add approximately 15 to 20 % drop to that! You see it is all about air flow, that determines if an engine can run efficiently or not, it […]
Roy C. Asks: How Do I Get The Best Fuel Mileage Out Of My Car?
Well Roy there are quite a few things you can do to help you squeeze some extra miles per gallon from your vehicle. The first thing you should do is obvious,own a fuel efficient vehicle. The second thing to check regularly is your tire pressures. Keep your tire pressures up so there is less rolling resistance between […]
Old fuel filter & New fuel filter
Every now and then I will see a situation like this one, where a vehicle has not seen the attention it should as far as maintenance are concerned. On the left you can see a brand new fuel filter, and the one pictured on the right is the old fuel filter. The old fuel filter […]