Posts Tagged ‘can’

Could A Dirty Cabin Air filter Ruin My Blower Motor?

Well I have never seen this before and I thought would share it with you.  In the picture for this post you see a blower motor from a Toyota. One day all of a sudden the blower motor for this vehicle stopped working on a cold New England winter day.  There is never a good […]

Nicole Asks: Joe How Can I Prevent My Car From Being Stolen?

Nicole asks : Joe I have a security system installed in my Honda Civic, and it has an Immobilizer system in the car as well. I am finding out that even with those features, my car can still be easily stolen by professional car thieves. Is there anything else I can do? Well Nicole has […]

Can A Dirty Air Filter Reduce Fuel Mileage And Cause Engine Damage ?

Well with the cold weather that comes with winter you can expect a drastic drop in fuel mileage in itself. If you have a dirty air filter you can add approximately 15 to 20 % drop to that! You see it is all about air flow, that determines if  an engine can  run efficiently or not, it […]